Virtual Career Girl Podcast Cover - Market Research


Market Research Tips and Why It’s Important For Your Business #104

June 16, 2020

Market research is crucial for understanding your business and ideal clients. In this episode, Tiffany shares actionable tips on how to gather insights, engage with customers, and use data to grow and scale your business. Learn real-life examples and strategies to implement today. Subscribe now and transform your market research approach!

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Market Research Show Description

Listen this week as our Virtual Career Girl Tiffany tries to convince me that Market Research is not a boring topic, but it is actually a crucial part of getting to know your business and the ideal client before you can begin to grow and scale. It was a great conversation this week with some actually real-life market research tips you can implement into your business today!

Market Research

Market Research may sound like a boring topic, I know when Tiffany first suggested the episode, and when we even began recording it, I thought the same thing. Why do you want to talk to people to get insight into your business? The answer is simple. Before you can grow and scale your business, you need to understand your business and the customers that will be purchasing your goods and services.

When you learn how to reach those customers, and engage with them in the right way, you can then scale those techniques to grow your business. It starts with the baby steps to gain insights which can then turn insights into relationships, and relationships into customers!



Show Highlights:

  • Learn more about market research and how to use it to grow and scale your business with real-life examples!

Info & Resources:

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Meet Tiffany, your virtual hype girl

I'm a 3x entrepreneur with a passion for helping big dreamers like you turn your ideas into profitable businesses and side-hustles. I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk. I've been working remotely since 2017, run a multiple 6-figure marketing agency, and now I am lucky enough to help women from all over the globe find the success they've been dreaming of.

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