Remote Work

How I Built My Online Business While Being a Full-Time Everything (No Unicorns Required)

October 20, 2024

Running a business and juggling everything else life throws at you? It’s like being in a circus, except you didn’t sign up for this act, and you’re not getting paid to juggle flaming swords. If you’re a business owner, a parent, a spouse, and let’s be real, just a human trying to keep it together—you […]

Running a business and juggling everything else life throws at you? It’s like being in a circus, except you didn’t sign up for this act, and you’re not getting paid to juggle flaming swords. If you’re a business owner, a parent, a spouse, and let’s be real, just a human trying to keep it together—you know the struggle.

Spoiler alert: I didn’t figure this out by sipping green juice at 5 AM or following some perfectly curated Instagram “boss babe” routine. I figured it out while catching Cheerios off the floor and cramming client calls between nap times. If that sounds more like your reality, then pull up a chair because I’m about to break down how I made it happen without turning into a glittering, mythical unicorn of productivity.

Step 1: Ditch the Perfectionism (It’s Only Slowing You Down)

Let’s get one thing straight—there’s no such thing as perfect. Not in business, not in motherhood, not in life. Once I embraced that “good enough” is sometimes the best strategy, everything got easier. Did my first website look like a masterpiece? Absolutely not. But it worked, and that’s what matters.

Pro tip: If you’re waiting for the perfect moment to start or the perfect design for your website, you’ll be waiting forever. Take messy action—trust me, it’ll get you farther, faster.

Step 2: Prioritize Like a Pro

When you’re running a business and living life at the speed of light, the to-do list can feel like it’s got a life of its own. The secret? Prioritize like your sanity depends on it—because it does.

I separated my tasks into three categories:

  • Money-making tasks (those get done first)
  • Client-facing tasks (because happy clients = repeat clients)
  • Everything else (aka, what can wait or be outsourced)

Notice that “everything else” pile? Yeah, don’t be afraid to delegate, automate, or just let it slide. You’ve got bigger fish to fry.

Step 3: Time Block Like a Boss

Look, I love a spontaneous trip to Target as much as the next person, but when you’re running a business, you need structure—even if that structure is a little loose. Time blocking saved my life (and my business).

I used small, focused time blocks to handle specific tasks. Think: 30 minutes for emails, 45 minutes for content creation, 15 minutes for sheer panic (just kidding… kinda). The trick is to stick to the block—don’t let one task bleed into another. And yes, sometimes that block is “playtime with the kids” or “scroll TikTok to decompress.”

Step 4: Build a Village (You Cannot Do This Alone)

Contrary to what social media might have you believe, nobody does it all alone. Nobody. That “village” can be your partner, your mom, your best friend, or even your favorite virtual assistant. Lean on people when you need to, delegate like it’s your job, and don’t feel guilty about it.

I’m all about that “superwoman” vibe, but even Beyoncé has a team, okay?

Step 5: Use Tech to Your Advantage (Automations Are Your Best Friend)

If you’re manually sending out emails or scheduling social media posts one by one, we need to talk. Automations are like the quiet superheroes of the business world. Tools like Asana, Zapier, and Dubsado practically run my life—so I can focus on the things that actually matter (like delivering killer results for clients, and maybe enjoying some downtime).

Setting up workflows was a game-changer. You don’t have to be tech-savvy to make this work—just start with the basics, like automating your onboarding process, scheduling posts, or setting up reminder emails.

Step 6: Celebrate the Small Wins (Because They’re Big, Too)

Did you send out one email? Post one blog? Get one new client? Yes, queen! Those small wins are what stack up over time. Building an online business isn’t about one massive breakthrough—it’s a series of small, consistent actions that eventually snowball into success.

Here’s the real truth: You’re probably doing better than you think. The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is time, consistency, and keeping that juggling act in motion (without losing your mind).

Step 7: Learn to Let Go of What Doesn’t Serve You

This isn’t just a woo-woo mantra—it’s practical. Whether it’s a client that’s draining you dry or a task that’s not driving results, you’ve got to learn when to cut ties. There were times I was clinging to clients or strategies that no longer worked for me, simply because I felt obligated. Spoiler: that’s how you end up stressed, overworked, and underpaid.

Bottom Line: It’s Possible (and Worth Every Second)

Building an online business while wearing all the hats is a wild ride, but if I can do it while being a full-time everything, you can too. The key isn’t to strive for mythical, unachievable perfection. It’s about building systems, getting support, and making progress every single day—even if that progress looks a little messy.

So, go ahead. Start before you’re ready, juggle the flaming swords, and know that with a little grit and a lot of grace, you’ll get there. No unicorns required.

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Meet Tiffany, your virtual hype girl

I'm a 3x entrepreneur with a passion for helping big dreamers like you turn your ideas into profitable businesses and side-hustles. I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk. I've been working remotely since 2017, run a multiple 6-figure marketing agency, and now I am lucky enough to help women from all over the globe find the success they've been dreaming of.

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