Initial Client Intake Questionnaire - Virtual Career Girl


Initial Client Intake Questionnaire

September 14, 2020

This Questionnaire is packed with the information to ensure you’re getting accurate information every time you get a new lead. If you want to have a clear idea on what you need to get from clients when you start your very own virtual business, I am giving you the very same questionnaire I use for […]

This Questionnaire is packed with the information to ensure you’re getting accurate information every time you get a new lead.

If you want to have a clear idea on what you need to get from clients when you start your very own virtual business, I am giving you the very same questionnaire I use for FREE below. Believe me, it is effective and has helped me so much over the years.

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Meet Tiffany, your virtual hype girl

I'm a 3x entrepreneur with a passion for helping big dreamers like you turn your ideas into profitable businesses and side-hustles. I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk. I've been working remotely since 2017, run a multiple 6-figure marketing agency, and now I am lucky enough to help women from all over the globe find the success they've been dreaming of.

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